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Holy Jobaida Corner Second floor, House no: 8/A/B/1 Road No: 13, Dhanmondi, Dhaka Bangladesh

+880 1716637424

Road Construction Service

Construction of roads involves the paving, rehabilitation, and/or reclamation of degraded pavements in order to achieve a state of good repair and increase road traffic safety. Road construction involves the use of asphalt, liquid asphalt, concrete, soil stabilization, rebar, paving and pavement recycling machines, and other road repair materials.
Highway construction refers to construction activities carried out onto a highway, including the act of locating, supervising, and mapping an area for a highway. The highway constructions are usually done by the state, local communities, or any agency specially designated for it. Chayon Associates Bangladesh is the leading infrastructure and construction company in Bangladesh. We are the preferred contractors for highway construction and road construction. We are having vast experience in the field of highway construction. We have completed several projects of highway in past and we are also running with the new highway projects.

We have a long and proud history givin emphasis to environment social and economic outcomes rapid urbanisation, climate and change, inequality and resource stress.


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